Eve 0.4 and Cerberus 0.7 Released

Eve 0.4 adds cool features like Document Versioning and Coherence Mode. Cerberus 0.7 allows regex validation amongst other niceties. Make sure to check the official v0.4 announcement for all the details.

July 10, 2014 · Nicola Iarocci

Eve 0.3 Released

Today we released Eve v0.3. It includes customizable Files Storage support (on GridFS by default), a lot of fixes, several breaking changes and a lot of love. Head over to relevant blog post and/or to changelog to know more about it.

February 14, 2014 · Nicola Iarocci

REST APIs for Humans at FOSDEM

Yesterday I gave a talk at FOSDEM 2014 in Brussels. The conference itself was amazing, with over 5000 attendees literally swarming and taking over the ULB Campus. I was stoked at how smoothly everything was going on despite the incredible number of simultaneous sessions and the number of attendees continuously flowing between buildings and conference rooms. Everybody involved, volunteers and attendees, has been very welcoming, charming and helpful. In short, I had a blast. ...

February 3, 2014 · Nicola Iarocci

Cerberus 0.5 is out (and it breaks stuff)

The new release changes the way validation errors are reported. Please note that these changes will also affect future releases of Eve, the Python REST API Framework. What we had before was basically a list of human-readable errors. Each item in the list, while perfectly fine for human reading, wasn’t really ideal for algorithmic parsing. Why would you want to parse the errors with an algorithm? A common case would be when your client is using business objects to represent API resources (think a client-side ORM), and would have a hard time binding validation errors to the objects themselves. ...

December 10, 2013 · Nicola Iarocci

MongoDB and REST API go for a picnic (video and slides)

I had the opportunity to give my RESTful WeB APIs and MongoDB Go For A Picnic talk at both MongoTorino and NoSQL Day. The folks at PUG Friuli where so nice to record all the NoSQL Day sessions, so here you have it: the full length video of yours truly speaking to a fully packed room crowded with 120 very attentive attendees. Unfortunately audio is horrible and while all MongoTorino talks were in english, NoSQL Day was an italian-only event. The slide deck is in english however, and is available on both SpeakerDeck and SlideShare. ...

November 19, 2013 · Nicola Iarocci

Eve with Python 3.3 Support

Another Eve release is out and I’m particularly proud about it since it brings full Python 3.3 support (among other things). Check out the relevant blog post: Eve 0.0.9 is out!

August 29, 2013 · Nicola Iarocci

Eve v0.0.8 has been released

Most significant features are probably the native support for MongoDB write concern settings, new event hooks allowing for transformation of documents before they are sent to clients, increased handling of both pagination and CORS, and the native validation of float data types. Get it on PyPI, go straight to the source code or more likely, visit the project homepage. ...

July 25, 2013 · Nicola Iarocci

Sito ufficiale e blog per il progetto Eve

E’ passato qualche mese da quando ho annunciato Eve, il REST API framework open source. Nel frattempo il progetto è cresciuto bene: siamo appena giunti alla versione 0.0.6, abbiamo un sito ufficiale, un blog, e stiamo lavorando a nuove feature davvero interessanti.

May 14, 2013 · Nicola Iarocci

Vi presento Eve il framework per le REST API Web

Lo scorso anno abbiamo lavorato duro per costruirci una RESTful Web API su misura, flessibile e completa. In corso d’opera abbiamo imparato molto sulle migliori pratiche REST, mettendo anche alla frusta le rinomate capacità Web del linguaggio Python. Ad EuroPython 2012 ho poi raccontato la nostra esperienza e condiviso ciò che avevamo imparato. In quell’occasione mi sono reso conto di quanto l’argomento fosse d’attualità, tanto che da quel 4 luglio le slide che avevo preparato (le trovate su Speaker Deck o Slideshare) ed i video su YouTube (italiano; inglese) hanno totalizzato 30mila visite. Da allora ricevo continue richieste di chiarimenti, suggerimenti, approfondimenti, consigli. Soprattutto, mi si chiedono esempi di codice. In fin dei conti prima o poi qualunque sviluppatore web si trova, volente o nolente, a fare i conti con una REST API. ...

January 8, 2013 · Nicola Iarocci