A walk after the storm

A walk on the beach right after the storm. Lots of logs scattered all around, for miles. And sanderlings running all over the place.

October 21, 2024

Journalists should not surrender their weapons

Kara Swisher, a dean in digital and classical journalism, has an interesting article in the New York Magazine. As a witness and protagonist she recounts how in the last 30 years digital has eaten away at traditional media and how today, with the advent of AI, there is a risk of it happening all over again. Above all, she reasons why it is essential for journalists not to surrender their weapons and lawmakers to step in and finally harness an industry that always had free reign and no regulation, as it is considered inevitable....

October 16, 2024

Eve 2.2.0

Today I released Eve 2.2. It is a maintenance release that drops old Pythons and adds support for the latest versions of the language. Long overdue, it also gets rid of some annoying deprecation warnings. As always, see the changelog for details. Many thanks to Bret Curtis and Guillaume Le Pape for their contributions to this release.

October 15, 2024

Gimme gimme gimme

Why does man print “gimme gimme gimme” at 00:30? The maintainer of man is a good friend of mine, and one day six years ago I jokingly said to him that if you invoke man after midnight it should print “gimme gimme gimme”, because of the Abba song called “Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight”. Well, he did actually put it in. A few people were amused to discover it, and we mostly forgot about it until today....

October 4, 2024

Fattura Elettronica v3.5

I just released FatturaElettronica .NET v3.5.0. This version adds multi-language support, all thanks to the excellent work done by Michael Mairegger. We currently support Italian and German and are ready to accept contributions for other languages. The Fattura Elettronica open-source project allows for the validation and de/serialization of electronic invoices that adhere to the standard defined by the Italian Revenue Agency.

September 30, 2024

I am Herman Melville

I never knew about the connection between Ray Bradbury, John Huston, and Herman Melville. Today, few people are aware that Bradbury, renowned science fiction writer, beloved fantasist, and mainstay on banned-book lists, wrote the screenplay for the 1956 John Huston adaptation of the Melville classic, which starred Gregory Peck as the iconic and obsessive Captain Ahab. Writing the screenplay was a dream come true for Bradbury, until it morphed into a waking nightmare....

September 14, 2024

Books are strange objects

Dave Rupert, reasoning on why he likes books: Books are strange objects. Chapters and chapters of coherent research and lived experiences assembled by people who wanted to put it all down in one place. Edited by actual editors who like editing. Designed— down to the weight of the paper, the typography, and the illustration on the cover— to make the experience of reading it enjoyable. Books are uncanny and impractical objects....

September 13, 2024

Under ASP.NET 8, NGINX returns 502 Bad Gateway after authentication by IdentityServer

Today, I learned the hard way that NGINX has default buffer sizes, which can cause trouble in specific scenarios like mine.

September 12, 2024

The loneliness of the low ranking tennis player

I admit, like many of my compatriots in this last year and a half, I follow a lot more tennis than usual, and it is all the fault (or merit) of Jannick Sinner. The top-level pro tennis field appears distant, privileged, brilliant and rewarding. We appreciate the immense talent of these players and sympathize with the struggle and stress they undergo. We praise their character, determination, and mental strength. They make a lot of money, so we infer they conduct fulfilling and satisfying lives....

September 12, 2024

Why Github actually won

In the end we won because the open source community started to converge on distributed version control and we were the only ones in the hosting space that truly cared about how developers worked at all. The only ones who questioned it, approached it from first principles, tried to make it better holistically rather than just throwing more features onto something existing in order to sell it. Full story here....

September 10, 2024