Quoting [Nelson’s weblog][3]:

Goodreads lost my entire account last week. Nine years as a user, some 600 books and 250 carefully written reviews all deleted and unrecoverable. Their support has not been helpful. In 35 years of being online I’ve never encountered a company with such callous disregard for their users’ data.

Ouch. A lesson learned the hard way:

My plan now is to host my own blog-like collection of all my reading notes like [Tom does][2].

One of the many reasons I don’t write my reviews on Goodreads and host them on my website instead is precisely the risk of losing them all one day1. The same with Twitter. I have been on Twitter since 2009 and was very active there. I [witnessed][6] the BBS era. Since then, I’ve seen oh-so-many “too big to fail” services coming and going, I could fill a book.

Tweeting is quicker and faster, yes. So is writing a review on Goodreads. If I don’t feel like opening vim to write something, though, then it’s probably not worth sharing in the first place.

Posting on Goodreads or Twitter grants more visibility, that’s for sure. I understand that clicking a link to leave the platform is an effort that not everyone is willing to make. I’m probably losing followers on Twitter and ‘friends’ on Goodreads. That’s fine2. Those remaining are likely to be more interested in my content and, ultimately, in me as a person.

Most of the stuff I write here is meant for myself anyway. If what I write happens to also be interesting for other readers, that’s cool, but it’s not the primary goal. I feel much better now that I own my content. The switch from social media content production to [POSSE][4] was beneficial and is something I advise everyone to do.

  1. Other compelling reasons are not being okay with platforms profiling me or profiting from my content. ↩︎

  2. Besides, I wish more and more people would fall back to RSS for their content consumption. That’s how I discover and collect content. Weblogs, YouTube channels, news and science sites, programming resources, and even top Twitter profiles all get digested by my RSS reader. [2]: https://macwright.com/reading/ [3]: https://www.somebits.com/weblog/tech/bad/goodreads-lost-all-my-data.html [4]: https://indieweb.org/POSSE [6]: /a-trip-down-memory-lane-fidonet-and-usenet/ [rss]: https://nicolaiarocci.com/index.xml [tw]: http://twitter.com/nicolaiarocci [nl]: https://buttondown.email/nicolaiarocci ↩︎