What the Heck is Happening to Windows?

This oh so this. If you look back over the decades at the many high-level complaints that have been leveled at Windows, one in particular sticks out: Unlike Mac OS, in particular, Windows has always attempted to satisfy every possible customer need, and as such it often provides multiple ways to accomplish the same thing. The result is a messy product, if you will, one that lacks the singular vision that is typically associated with the Mac and Apple’s other products. ...

February 12, 2014 · Nicola Iarocci

Windows 8 e i dubbi sul destino di Silverlight

Con un filmato di 10 minuti Microsoft ha presentato in anteprima il nuovo Windows 8. A molti non è sfuggita l’enfasi su HTML5 e JavaScript, annunciate come le tecnologie con le quali costruire le nuove accattivanti applicazioni per Windows 8. Il fatto che non si faccia cenno a Silverlight, WPF o .NET sta causando un bel po’ di preoccupazione. ...

June 8, 2011 · Nicola Iarocci