When Homebrew breaks your Python virtual environment

Ever had your old, trusty Python virtual environment fail on you? I sure did. Sometimes, when I activate or switch between virtual environments, I get the following error: $ workon eve dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../.Python I never really took the time to look into it. When this happens, because I am in a rush (and because I am a lazy old fart), I shrug it off, recreate the virtual environment on the spot, and get back to work....

February 8, 2021

Python Workload now officially supported in Visual Studio 2017

Visual Studio 2017 just received an update (version 15.2). Among other nice things, this update brings full support for Python back into the official release of VS2017. As you might recall (see my old whiny post), previously Python was only available with Visual Studio 2017 Preview (a separate install). I just upgraded my copy of Visual Studio, added the Python Development Workload to it via the VS Installer, and finally (and very happily) uninstalled the whole Visual Studio Preview thingie....

May 11, 2017

Eve and Cerberus funding campaign

Last February I published The State of Eve REST Framework. Among other things in that post, I mentioned that I was looking for ways that would allow me to allocate more time to the project (and its satellites). I really feel like I should put more effort into Eve, Cerberus and satellite projects Eve-Swagger, Flask-Sentinel, Eve.NET, etc. I love working on these projects and I know a lot of people rely on them....

April 27, 2017

Python support in Visual Studio 2017 or the lack thereof

So yesterday Visual Studio 2017 was released. Big news. Lots of cool stuff. As I write this I am watching the live stream of the 2 days-long launch event. If you want to learn about Python support in VS2017 though, you have to dig deeper and head over to the Python Engineering blog at Microsoft. As expected, the official release is actually coming out with no support for Python. It will come in a few months....

March 8, 2017

Python Workload pulled off Visual Studio 2017 RC3

So how do you install the awesome Python Development Tools on the latest Visual Studio 2017 RC? That might seem a stupid question considering that the Data Science and Python Development workload has been available with every Release Candidate so far. You simply select the workload during the installation and you’re done, right? Not quite. I found out the hard way this morning as I wanted to install VS 2017 RC3 on my development machine and, to my surprise, I could not find Python Development anywhere on the workloads window (which itself is a huge improvement over the VS 2015 install experience, by the way)....

February 18, 2017

The state of the Eve REST framework project

A new major release of the Eve REST API Framework is finally out with a number of cool new features (MongoDB Aggregations!), few fixes, and a couple of minor breaking changes. On the Eve blog you can find a detailed article about this important release. I am glad to report that the Eve-SQLAlchemy community extension, which allows SQL databases to serve as Eve backends, has seen a surge of activity around it....

February 6, 2017

Cerberus 1.0 has been released

After a one year long development cycle I am proud to announce that version 1.0 of Cerberus, the data validation and transformation tool for Python, is finally out. A while ago I wrote an article on the new features and breaking changes that come with it, so please check it out carefully along with the changelog. I just wish to reiterate my gratitude towards all the contributors to the project. The ones who specifically worked on this awesome release, those who made it all possible, are: Matthew Ellison, Dominik Kellner, David Kirkendall, Damián Nohales, calve, Jonathan Huot, Roman Redkovich and of course the one and the only Frank Sachsenheim, whose role was pivotal to this release....

September 1, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

EveGenie makes Eve schema generation a breeze

Released by the nice folks at Drud, EveGenie is a tool for making Eve schema generation easier. Eve’s schema definitions are full of features, but can take a good amount of time to create when dealing with lots of complex resources. From our experience, it’s often helpful to describe an endpoint in JSON before creating it as an Eve schema. This allows you to make quick decisions about the structure of your entities without spending time moving schema code around....

June 15, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

Eve REST API Framework v0.6.4 now available

Quick note to let you all know that Eve v0.6.4 is out with a few significant updates. Thanks to James Stewart for contributing to this release. Work on v0.7, which will include MongoDB Aggregation Framework support (docs) and many other new features, continues steadily.

June 8, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

Meet Eve-Swagger the swagger.io extension for your Eve powered REST API

Eve-Swagger is a swagger.io extension for Eve powered RESTful APIs. It has been around for a while on GitHub but I never managed to officially release it. So rejoice! it is now available on PyPI. But what is Swagger, and why is it useful to your RESTful API? With a Swagger-enabled API you can get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability, all for free. From Swagger website: Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API....

June 6, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci