"A project you maintain has been designated as critical"

Last week, I got a mail from PyPI, the Python package index. They informed me that one of my open source projects had been designated as ‘critical,’ and I was therefore required to enable two-factor authentication. If I didn’t oblige, I would soon lose the ability to add new releases or modify the project. The project in question was Cerberus. The ‘critical’ designation happens when a project has been in the top 1% of downloads over the prior six months....

July 18, 2022

Eve 2.0 released

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m glad to announce that Eve 2 has finally been released today. This release drops support for Python 2, Python 3.5 and Python 3.6 hence the major version bump. Other than that, expect some fixes, a new uuidRepresentation setting for MONGO_OPTIONS, and an alignment to the latest Werkzeug/PyMongo idiosyncrasies. The full changelog is available on the project website. The Eve project has been out for ten years....

June 8, 2022

Eve-Swagger v0.2 released

I just released Eve-Swagger v0.2 on PyPI. Eve-Swagger is a Swagger/OpenAPI extension for Eve powered RESTful APIs. This maintenance release addresses a few issues and adds support for eve-auth-jwt. Many thanks to Roberto Romero for his contributions to this release.

May 17, 2022

Work in progress on Eve 2.0

I’ve been back at the forge working on Eve 2.0. Version 2 will support Python 3.7+ and drop Python 2.7, 3.5 and 3.6. It will bring support for PyMongo 4+ as well, along with several other minor fixes and improvements (changelog). It would be nice if you guys and gals, users of Eve, would give it a spin before the release. I know. I recently stated that Eve was in maintenance mode....

February 13, 2022

Is Eve still maintained?

Tonight someone opened a ticket on the Eve repository. I jotted down a quick reply and was about to hit the Comment button when I thought a more articulated reply was in order. I also want it published on my website. So the question is: Is Eve still maintained? My reply goes like this: Hello, yes, Eve is in ‘maintenance mode’, as I call it. I don’t actively develop new features anymore....

November 6, 2021

My DotNetPodcast interview

Today I was interviewed by Mauro Servienti on the DotNetPodcast. The theme was my experience as an open-source maintainer on both the Python and C# stacks. We also discussed the ongoing evolution of the dotNET ecosystem, touching on a few tangent topics. The recording is in Italian and is available below here. Listen to “Python, Eve, open source e fattura elettronica. Con Nicola Iarocci” on Spreaker.

July 6, 2021

Flask 2.0

Flask 2.0 has just been released. Along with it come many other major satellite releases: Werkzeug 2.0, Jinja 3.0, Click 8.0, ItsDangerous 2.0, and MarkupSafe 2.0. Across all projects, Python 3.6+ is now required, and comprehensive type annotations are supported. At a glance, I’d say that the biggest news is async views in Flask 2. Work has also been done around Werkzeug Request and Response classes to allow for better sync and async in the future (it’s not a public API yet....

May 14, 2021

New Eve-Swagger and Flask-Sentinel releases

It’s maintenance day in my little Python world. I just released new versions of two small but apparently quite popular packages: eve-swagger, the OpenAPI/Swager extensions for Eve-powered APIs, hits v0.1.4. It’s just a single fix for API breakage introduced with the previous release; details available here. Thanks to Asger Gitz-Johansen for the help with this release. Flask-Sentinel, an Oauth2 Provider for Flask, hits v0.0.8. This also is a small release that fixes 500 errors if you were using unpinned versions of redis....

April 24, 2021

Musings on Python's Pattern Matching

Pattern Matching is coming to Python, and I am not sure I like it. Don’t get me wrong, I love pattern matching. I use it all the time in F#. I am sure that once it lands in the language, it will be wildly adopted. So what’s the problem with Python’s pattern matching? The community, some core developers included, has expressed several concerns. The Python Steering Council has acknowledged them and is willing to look into improvements should they be proposed....

February 23, 2021

When Homebrew breaks your Python virtual environment

Ever had your old, trusty Python virtual environment fail on you? I sure did. Sometimes, when I activate or switch between virtual environments, I get the following error: $ workon eve dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../.Python I never really took the time to look into it. When this happens, because I am in a rush (and because I am a lazy old fart), I shrug it off, recreate the virtual environment on the spot, and get back to work....

February 8, 2021