A 10x faster TypeScript, but that's not the point

Anders Hejlsberg is a legend in my field, with Turbo Pascal, Delphi, C#, and TypeScript in his palmares. This week, he announced a rewrite of the TypeScript compiler, leading to a stunning 10x performance boost. This remarkable achievement is due to two main factors: the adoption of Go for the compiler and the Language Server Protocol and the high parallelism that Go enables. Previously, the compiler itself was in TypeScript, which severely hindered performance. ...

March 15, 2025

Quoting Evan Miller

One of the most essential practices for maintaining the long-term quality of computer code is to write automated tests that ensure the program continues to act as expected, even when other people (including your future self) muck with it. – Evan Miller (via)

March 14, 2025

Microsoft MVP

Last night, I was at an outdoor theatre with Serena, watching Anatomy of a Fall (an excellent film). Outdoor theatres are becoming rare, which is a pity, and Arena del Sole is lovely with its strong vintage, 80s vibe. There’s little as pleasant as watching a film under the stars with your loved one on a quiet summer evening. Anyway, in the pause, I glanced at my e-mails and discovered I had been again granted the Microsoft MVP Award. It is the ninth consecutive year, and I’m grateful and happy the journey continues. At this point, I should put in some extra effort to reach the 10-year milestone next year. ...

July 11, 2024

Linus Torvalds on the impact of LLMs and AI on programming

I think I like his take on the topic.

January 21, 2024

How to implement a PKCE code challenge in C#

Today’s fun was implementing OAuth2’s RFC 7636’s PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) in C#. It’s relatively straightforward, but I decided to share my implementation should it be helpful to someone else out there. PKCE is an extension to the Authorization Code flow to prevent CSRF and authorization code injection attacks. [..] It was originally designed to protect the authorization code flow in mobile apps, but its ability to prevent authorization code injection makes it useful for every type of OAuth client, even web apps that use client authentication (source). ...

January 17, 2024

How to use XmlWriter along with StringWriter to properly serialize a UTF-8 string

Today, I (re)learned how to serialize an XML to a UTF-8 string. Like all the other times I did this, I got backstabbed by StringWriter, which only supports UTF-16. A simple code snippet like this: await using var sw = new StringWriter(); await using var w = XmlWriter.Create(sw, new() { Async = true }); ... await w.FlushAsync(); return sw.ToString(); Will emit this output: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><... There’s nothing inherently wrong with UTF-16, but XML is usually UTF-8, so one must do something about it. StringWriter exposes an Encoding property, but it is read-only for unknown reasons. One might think that given that the XmlWriter allows setting its own Encoding value, something like this would work: ...

November 9, 2023

LINQ DistinctBy on a property for .NET Standard and older .NET versions

Today I learned how to implement a custom Enumerable.DistinctBy extension method that returns distinct elements from a sequence according to a specified key selector function. .NET 6 and its successors have the method built in within LINQ, but I needed it in a .NET Standard 2.0 class library, so I was out of luck. My implementation is simple, not different from others I found online, and should also work fine with old .NET releases. Here it is: ...

October 25, 2023

I won the Microsoft MVP Award

I’ve just received news that I’ve been awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award in the Software Development category. It is an honor and a pleasure to be renewed for the eighth time. Being a Microsoft MVP means a lot to me; I remember how intimidated I felt when I met MVPs at various events and how totally out of reach the title seemed for someone like me. Besides my everyday work, I kept doing the things I loved: ...

July 6, 2023

Homebrew and docfx don't like each other too

Another day another Homebrew incompatibility emerges, this time with docfx, the technical documentation building tool of reference in .NET space. I’ve been using docfx for years to build the FatturaElettronica.NET website, and it’s always been working without a glitch. Lately, however, my builds have been failing with strange errors I was too lazy to diagnose until today when I decided to grasp the nettle and sort the whole thing out. It took me an embarrassing time to realize that, while successful, my docfx updates (dotnet tool update -g docfx) were being ignored. An old, Homebrew-installed version of docfx was being executed at my launches —a simple which docfx revealed the issue. brew uninstall docfx finally set the updated, dotnet-installed version free of its chains, and it is now merrily churning websites. ...

June 20, 2023

Homebrew and .NET 8 Preview don't like each other

Today I learned that .NET 8 Preview could play better with Homebrew (or vice-versa). I’m working on a C# 12 presentation for our local developer meetup, and for that, I wanted .NET 8 Preview to run side by side with version 7 on my Mac. As version 7 was initially installed with Homebrew, I also wanted to install version 8 Preview with Homebrew, but that recipe was unavailable. Not perfectly happy with that, I fell back to the stand-alone installer, expecting problems. ...

June 13, 2023