Fattura Elettronica per la PA v0.2.1

Ho appena pubblicato su NuGet l’ultimo aggiornamento di FatturaElettronicaPA, il package .NET per la compilazione e convalida delle fatture elettroniche per la Pubblica Amministrazione. Si tratta della versione 0.2.1 che fa proprie le novità annunciate il 9 Maggio scorso: A partire dal 9 maggio 2016 sono introdotti nuovi controlli sui file trasmessi al Sistema di Interscambio. Per consentire il necessario adeguamento al nuovo regime di verifiche, fino al 31 luglio 2016 il mancato superamento di uno o più di questi nuovi controlli non comporterà lo scarto del file ma solo una segnalazione che verrà riportata all’interno della Ricevuta di consegna o della Notifica di mancata consegna....

May 23, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

My Crazy Speaking Month

April was definitely my crazy Speaking Month. After an almost one year long self-imposed conference hiatus, I was challenged to deliver four different talks, attend two discussion panels, give one live demo and release one interview. All in a three weeks period span. First I went to PyCon Sette in Florence. A few days later a plane took me to St. Petersburg, Russia, for PiterPy. Finally, the next weekend I was in Rome for the Western Europe Microsoft MVP Community Day....

May 9, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

FatturaElettronicaPA for .NET has been updated

FatturaElettronicaPA has just been updated to v0.1.4. With this release invoice bodies (FatturaElettronicaBody items) are also validated. As always, you can install the package directly from NuGet. See the original post for more info. Also don’t forget to check the related projects. Update: v0.1.6 has also been released.

July 14, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Cerberus 0.9 has been released

A few days ago Cerberus 0.9 was released. It includes a bunch of new cool features, let’s browse through some of them. Collection rules First up is the new set of anyof, allof, noneof and oneof validation rules. anyof allows you to list multiple sets of rules to validate against. The field will be considered valid if it validates against one set in the list. For example, to verify that a property is a number between 0 and 10 or 100 and 110, you could do the following:...

June 30, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Fattura Elettronica Open Source: Web Service PA

this post is about an all-Italian open source release, so it’s going to be in Italian Il progetto Fattura Elettronica Open Source si è arricchito di un nuovo strumento: Web Services. Il namespace FatturaElettronicaPA.WebServices raccoglie una serie di client C# che consentono di consultare i Web Service per la Fattura Elettronica messi a disposizione dalla Pubblica Amministrazione. Sono disegnati in maniera da esporre tutti la stessa interfaccia ed essere al tempo stesso semplici e leggeri....

May 21, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Fattura Elettronica Open Source Update

Fattura Elettronica Open Source has been updated to v0.1.3 a few days ago and is available on NuGet. Sources are on GitHub. It fixes a deserialization issue with the ReadXML method.

April 17, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

I wrote a thing about New Microsoft

I have a guest post up at the official Italian MSDN Team Blog. It’s about the new Microsoft I met last Wednesday at the Azure Open Day in Milan.

March 4, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Fattura Elettronica Open Source

this post is about an all-italian open source release, so it’s going to be in italian FatturaElettronicaPA è un nuovo progetto open source che ho rilasciato qualche giorno fa assieme alla mia azienda. Si tratta di una libreria C# che permette di leggere, scrivere e convalidare le Fatture Elettroniche aderenti alle specifiche del sistema di interscambio della Pubblica Amministrazione. ...

February 10, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

On Sustainable Open Source Management

Tom Christie has some very good things to say on how to successfully maintain an open source project without losing sanity. Truth one: There are, and will always be, a non-finite number of possible valid issues to address. Your code can always be better polished, your APIs better defined, and your project more fully featured. Your documentation can always be better. The ecosystem within which your project lives is constantly evolving....

February 6, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Some Thoughts on the new .NET (Redux)

Like all those involved with the .NET ecosystem I’ve been slowly digesting the recent news on the whole thing going open source and cross platform. I’ve been jogging down a few notes in light of a future blog post, but then Jeremy Miller came out with his own Some Thoughts on the New .NET which is almost exactly the post I wanted to write. So when he writes: I’ve started to associate ....

December 4, 2014 · Nicola Iarocci