My Crazy Speaking Month

April was definitely my crazy Speaking Month. After an almost one year long self-imposed conference hiatus, I was challenged to deliver four different talks, attend two discussion panels, give one live demo and release one interview. All in a three weeks period span. First I went to PyCon Sette in Florence. A few days later a plane took me to St. Petersburg, Russia, for PiterPy. Finally, the next weekend I was in Rome for the Western Europe Microsoft MVP Community Day. In the meantime several Channel 9 TecHeroes episodes were due for release. This was of course super exciting. And challenging. ...

May 9, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

Look mum, I’m a MVP

A few hours ago I was notified that I have been awarded with the Microsoft MVP Award for Development Technologies. This came totally unexpected. Especially so considering that during the last few years I have been splitting my time between Microsoft and other open source technologies. My public work has mostly been on Python and MongoDB. Yes I also released .NET open source projects in the meantime (more are coming soon) and yes, I wrote a few articles here and on the MSDN Blog, attended Microsoft events and did interviews. But really, I did not expect these activities to have an impact. This is probably why only a couple minutes from learning about the award I was suffering Impostor Syndrome symptoms. ...

January 2, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci