Thirty-seven years ago

Thirty-seven years ago, at about 11 a.m., at the Rocca Brancaleone Park, my then-girlfriend and I kissed for the first time under a tree. We decided immediately not to get together because we were classmates1, and we didn’t want to complicate our lives. Right. We have been together ever since and will celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary next week. Our three sons are the fruitful result of that teenage affair. ...

May 14, 2024
*A Tramp's Nest in Ludlow Street*, How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York (1890), by Jacob Riis

Fabio the tramp

Last night, I was preparing dinner while waiting for Serena to return home when I received an unexpected call from her: she was in her parked car, petrified as the car’s headlights had illuminated a person lying on the floor of our building’s entrance, right in front of the elevator1. I told her to stay in the car and rushed down the stairs. When I got to the ground floor, no one was there; I checked the basement, and it was empty, too. On my way back, I found Serena entering from the front door. She told me the person had quickly risen and walked away when the lights turned on in the staircase. ...

January 12, 2024