How to: Add custom JeSuisCharlie header to API responses
A lot of servers have been including a JeSuisCharlie header with their responses. If you haven’t already, try with Charlie Hebdo site itself: $ curl -I Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 15:56:13 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Length: 221 Connection: keep-alive Location: Vary: Accept-Encoding X-Charlie-fr: Je suis toujours Charlie. X-Charlie-en: I am still Charlie. X-Charlie-es: Todavia soy Charlie. X-Charlie-de: Ich bin immer Charlie. X-Charlie-ro: Inca sunt Charlie. X-Charlie-cz: Jsem stale Charlie. I find this to be a great way for us techies to somehow contribute and show support for the ongoing anti-terrorism campaign. So if you feel like doing it here is a quick rundown on how to serve custom headers with your Eve-powered REST API. It is actually a very easy task to accomplish. ...