Microsoft MVP

Last night, I was at an outdoor theatre with Serena, watching Anatomy of a Fall (an excellent film). Outdoor theatres are becoming rare, which is a pity, and Arena del Sole is lovely with its strong vintage, 80s vibe. There’s little as pleasant as watching a film under the stars with your loved one on a quiet summer evening. Anyway, in the pause, I glanced at my e-mails and discovered I had been again granted the Microsoft MVP Award....

July 11, 2024

How to handle custom claims in an Open ID Connect-authenticated ASP.NET Core app

Today, I learned how to handle custom claims in an Open ID Connect authenticated ASP.NET Core app. The scenario goes like this. I have an ASP.NET Core app that authenticates with Open Id Connect. It receives a bearer token from the authentication server. Besides OIDC claims, this token has been forged with additional custom claims for use in the app. However, only ODIC claims exist when I parse HttpContext.User.Identity.Claims in my middleware....

May 31, 2024

Fattura Elettronica for .NET v3.4.15

Today I released Fattura Elettronica for .NET v3.4.15. The Fattura Elettronica project allows for the validation and de/serialization of electronic invoices that adhere to the standard defined by Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia Entrate). See the changelog for details (Italian).

May 24, 2024

The video of my OAuth2 session at WebDay 2024 is online

The video my OAuth2 and OpenID Connect session at WebDay 2024 Milan is available online. It is in Italian, and you need to login or register in order to see it (sorry, I don’t have control over it.)

May 23, 2024

C# 12 Collection Expressions

This is a follow-up post to C# 12 Primary Constructors. Like that article, this one originates from the preparation notes for my presentation at the ABP Dotnet Conference 2024. I love collection expressions. Like primary constructors, collection expressions will see a significant adoption in the long run. Collection expressions introduce a new way to initialize common collection values in a terse, unified syntax. This is how we initialize collections today:...

May 10, 2024

C# 12 Primary Constructors

I wrapped up my C# 12 session at the ABP Dotnet Conference 2024, and I wanted to share the take-home points, at least about the most relevant features in this language version. Posting the slides made no sense as they were minimal; all the content was packed in the live demo. In a follow-up post, I plan to address Collection Expressions (done) and maybe “type any aliases”; this is about Primary Constructors....

May 9, 2024

I am speaking at ABP Dotnet Conf'24

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to present at an international conference once again. On May 9th, I will speak at the ABP Donet Conf'24. My session, titled C #12: What’s New and Interesting, is on a topic I’m passionate about. With the alignment of C# and Dotnet Core release cycles, the C# release cadence has increased (we’re on a yearly cycle now), while feature quantity has reduced for individual releases, which is good....

April 15, 2024

I am presenting on OAuth2 at two conferences this month

I am speaking about OAuth2 and Open ID Connect with ASP.NET Core 8 at Rome .NET Conference 2024 on March 22 and then, less than a week later, at WebDay 2024 in Milan. I am always particularly excited when I can present the stuff I’m currently working on. Being forced to share as I learn encourages me to go deeper into the topic to reinforce my comprehension and better explain it to the audience—a win-win situation....

March 5, 2024

Default ASP NET Core 8 port changed from 80 to 8080

Today, I learned the hard way that the default port for ASP.NET Core 8 container images has been updated from port 80 to 8080, quite a remarkable breaking change. We upgraded our web application from .NET 7 and let the CI pipeline do its work. Finally, we checked the application in the browser to ensure everything was okay, but unfortunately, we got a 502 Bad Gateway error. The Nginx logs revealed that the app was rejecting connections, which was unexpected because we didn’t make any changes there....

February 20, 2024
Early in the morning at the Microsoft House in Milan. Preparations underway

Video of my C# 12 session at .NET Conference Italia 2023

The video and slides of my C# 12 session at .NET Conference Italia 2023 is finally available online. Unfortunately it’s just my voice and my laptop screen, and that’s too bad because the location was as cool as it can get, and the room was packed. It is in Italian1 and you need to login in order to see it (sorry, I don’t have control over it.) I also submitted to several international conferences; let’s see what happens....

January 26, 2024