Talk Python To Me Podcast Episode #1: EVE RESTful APIs for Humans

I was lucky enough be the first guest for the shiny new Talk Python To Me Podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy. In this episode we talk about Eve an my other open source releases, which gives us an excuse to touch on a variety of topics such as Polyglot Programming, New Microsoft and the .NET evolution, MongoDB and the Open Source eco-system as seen from the point of view of an old fart who has been spending most of his career in closed systems....

April 1, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

New Releases for Cerberus and Eve

Yesterday Cerberus 0.8.1 was released with a few little fixes, one of them being more a new feature than a fix really: sub-document fields can now be set as field dependencies by using a ‘dotted’ notation. So, suppose we set the following validation schema: schema = { 'test_field': { 'dependencies': [ '', '' ] }, 'a_dict': { 'type': 'dict', 'schema': { 'foo': {'type': 'string'}, 'bar': {'type': 'string'} } } } Then, we can validate a document like this:...

March 17, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Attention is a Resource

Today, the New York Times’ SundayReview features a great column by Matthew B. Crawford: The Cost of Paying Attention. Attention is a resource; a person has only so much of it […] What if we saw attention in the same way that we saw air or water, as a valuable resource that we hold in common? Perhaps, if we could envision an “attentional commons,” then we could figure out how to protect it....

March 15, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Sam Altman on Machine Intelligence

Sam Altman has a great short series on the development of superhuman machine intelligence (SMI). Machine intelligence, Part 1 is on why machine intelligence is something that we should be afraid of while Part 2 is on what we should do about it. And then there’s Technology predictions, the perfect closer.

March 7, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

I wrote a thing about New Microsoft

I have a guest post up at the official Italian MSDN Team Blog. It’s about the new Microsoft I met last Wednesday at the Azure Open Day in Milan.

March 4, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

So Why Exactly Is HTTP/2 So Cool?

Today must read is Nine Things to Expect from HTTP/2, brewed for us by one of the HTTP/2 core designers, Mark Nottingham. Ten well spent minutes of your time.

February 24, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Eve 0.5.2 ‘Giulia’ is Out

Eve 0.5.2 has just been released with a bunch of interesting fixes and documentation updates. See the changelog for details.

February 23, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

March To Triumph As A Mentor

If you have time to read just one thing today, then make sure it is March To Triumph As A Mentor, an essay on Mentoring by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.

February 11, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Fattura Elettronica Open Source

this post is about an all-italian open source release, so it’s going to be in italian FatturaElettronicaPA è un nuovo progetto open source che ho rilasciato qualche giorno fa assieme alla mia azienda. Si tratta di una libreria C# che permette di leggere, scrivere e convalidare le Fatture Elettroniche aderenti alle specifiche del sistema di interscambio della Pubblica Amministrazione. ...

February 10, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

On Sustainable Open Source Management

Tom Christie has some very good things to say on how to successfully maintain an open source project without losing sanity. Truth one: There are, and will always be, a non-finite number of possible valid issues to address. Your code can always be better polished, your APIs better defined, and your project more fully featured. Your documentation can always be better. The ecosystem within which your project lives is constantly evolving....

February 6, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci