Meet Eve-Swagger the extension for your Eve powered REST API

Eve-Swagger is a extension for Eve powered RESTful APIs. It has been around for a while on GitHub but I never managed to officially release it. So rejoice! it is now available on PyPI. But what is Swagger, and why is it useful to your RESTful API? With a Swagger-enabled API you can get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability, all for free. From Swagger website: Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API....

June 6, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

Cerberus 1.0 is coming and it is going to be awesome

Cerberus is a lightweight and extensible data validation library for Python. Beta has been around since 2012. During this time Cerberus has been serving as the validation system for Eve core. It has been also adopted by a quite a lot open source projects, averaging around 18K downloads per month on PyPI and collecting some remarkable endorsements. All things considered, I would dare to claim that Cerberus is battle tested to death. This is, in fact, one reason why I believe that the time for a canonical and stable release has come. Another reason is that next release is a major one. It brings a ton of important new features along with very significant code refactoring and a redesigned, powerful API. Third, next release breaks backward compatibility, and we want to signal that in the version number. So next Cerberus release will be 1.0. If you have been following the development this will come as no surprise, as a Release Candidate has been out for a while. As a Cerberus user you will want to take the plunge and upgrade to 1.0 because well, it is just too cool to be true. If new to Cerberus you will also want to adopt 1.0 right away, for the same reason. If you are new however, make sure you get the basics covered before reading further. By the way, at latest PyCon Italy I gave a talk on Cerberus which also included a preview of several 1.0 features. You can check the slides to get a general idea of the tool, its usage, and upcoming features. Let’s now look at some of the relevant features and changes introduced with Cerberus 1.0. For a (mostly) accurate list of changes and new features, have a look at the changelog. ...

June 1, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

Fattura Elettronica per la PA v0.2.1

Ho appena pubblicato su NuGet l’ultimo aggiornamento di FatturaElettronicaPA, il package .NET per la compilazione e convalida delle fatture elettroniche per la Pubblica Amministrazione. Si tratta della versione 0.2.1 che fa proprie le novità annunciate il 9 Maggio scorso: A partire dal 9 maggio 2016 sono introdotti nuovi controlli sui file trasmessi al Sistema di Interscambio. Per consentire il necessario adeguamento al nuovo regime di verifiche, fino al 31 luglio 2016 il mancato superamento di uno o più di questi nuovi controlli non comporterà lo scarto del file ma solo una segnalazione che verrà riportata all’interno della Ricevuta di consegna o della Notifica di mancata consegna....

May 23, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

My Crazy Speaking Month

April was definitely my crazy Speaking Month. After an almost one year long self-imposed conference hiatus, I was challenged to deliver four different talks, attend two discussion panels, give one live demo and release one interview. All in a three weeks period span. First I went to PyCon Sette in Florence. A few days later a plane took me to St. Petersburg, Russia, for PiterPy. Finally, the next weekend I was in Rome for the Western Europe Microsoft MVP Community Day....

May 9, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

Eve REST API Framework v0.6.2 is out

Today I released Eve 0.6.2. It includes many fixes and improvements over the previous releases. Areas addressed are CORS management, soft deletes, token authentication, oplog, data validation, and others. Please see the changelog for details. Work on v0.7 is also ongoing. It will include new features such as support for the MongoDB Aggregation Framework (docs) and a few breaking changes, so you might want to check it out in advance....

March 14, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

Real Life .NET Cross Platform

There is a new episode up at Channel9 TecHeroes. It is called Real Life .NET Cross Platform and it is about developing production-ready, cross-platform applications with today’s .NET. In the interview we talk about SimpleCache, an asynchronous, permanent and cross-platform key-value object cache powered by SQLite3. The project is still a work in progress so there is no NuGet package available yet, but it is quite usable already. The talk slides are also available....

March 11, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

CoderDojo interview at Channel 9

I was recently interviewed at Channel 9 TecHeroes. Topic was CoderDojo, the network of free computer programming clubs for young people. The show is run by Microsoft Italy, so the interview is in Italian. Enjoy the show.

March 4, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

Look mum, I’m a MVP

A few hours ago I was notified that I have been awarded with the Microsoft MVP Award for Development Technologies. This came totally unexpected. Especially so considering that during the last few years I have been splitting my time between Microsoft and other open source technologies. My public work has mostly been on Python and MongoDB. Yes I also released .NET open source projects in the meantime (more are coming soon) and yes, I wrote a few articles here and on the MSDN Blog, attended Microsoft events and did interviews....

January 2, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

Eve 0.6.1 has been released

A new version of Eve, the REST API framework for Humans, has been released today. Following the 0.6 milestone released one month ago, v0.6.1 introduces some fixes and few new important features. Upgrade is strongly encouraged. As always, a changelog with full list of updates is available.

October 29, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

My talk at Percona Live 2015

The slides of my talk at Percona Live 2015 (Amsterdam) are online. It was titled “MongoDB and REST APIs a Match Made in Heaven” and it was meant as an introduction to Mongo, REST principles and the Eve python framework. Overall it has been a pleasant experience, although I found that splitting 300 attendees through seven concurrent tracks ultimately led to too much fragmentation. People often found themselves with 2-3 interesting talks all happening simultaneously, and just had to pick one....

October 16, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci