Lettura di fatture elettroniche con firma digitale in .NET (.p7m)

Sorry folks. Because of its target audience, this post is in Italian. Ho appena rilasciato FatturaElettronica.Extensions. Si tratta di un package che estende FatturaElettronica.NET aggiungendo (per ora) un solo extension method: ReadXmlSigned Il metodo si affianca all’esistente ReadXml ed accetta un file in formato standard fattura elettronica già firmato digitalmente (estensione .p7m), lo legge, verifica che le firme siano valide, quindi lo carica in un oggetto FatturaElettronica che lo rappresenta interamente:...

September 27, 2018

Code Magazine: Learn Python with Visual Studio

On the July/August issue of Code Magazine, available both printed and online, you can find my article Learn Python with Visual Studio. From the incipit: In the Stack Overflow Developer Survey for 2018, Python sits comfortably in the first place as the most wanted programming language, with JavaScript and Go coming second and third. Python also ranks third in the “most loved” category. Despite the age (20 years and counting), Python’s popularity keeps growing, and for good reasons....

July 6, 2018

Eve 0.8 has been released

I am pleased to announce that the latest version of Eve, v0.8, has been released. As always, this release has been carefully crafted with love and passion by yours truly, with the help of a fantastic bunch of contributors. Highlights include data-validation-on-steroids thanks to the full support for Cerberus 1.x, also recently released, partial media requests (think media streaming), new hooks which allow you to attach custom callbacks to aggregation and soft deletion events, some new query operators, support for the mongo decimal type, and more....

May 10, 2018

Mac Notification Center does not work: the Quick Fix

I had this happen to me a few times already. Notification Center on the Mac goes completely numb: no more notifications and the list is empty. I’m writing down the fix, so I do not have to google the forums once again the next time. Open the Terminal, then: # this usually fails, as the notification server is already running launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.notificationcenterui.plist # kills and restarts the notification center - fixed!...

April 12, 2018

Announcing my first online course

I am super excited to announce the launch of Eve: Building RESTful APIs with MongoDB and Flask, a brand new TalkPython Training course. Authoring this course has been a new experience for me, and I must say that I very much enjoyed every minute of it. Finding myself in the exciting position being at the same time both the project author and the instructor, I did my best to focus on the typical issues I know from experience most people face when they start setting up their first RESTful web service with Flask and Eve....

March 15, 2018

Quick fix: MongoDB fails when saving Decimal fields

So today I was trying to store some decimal fields on a MongoDB 3.4 instance and I kept failing, miserably. In Compass I was getting a somewhat obscure “connection lost” message on every save attempt. Upgrading to Mongo 3.4.10 (I was on 3.4.4) improved things, as the error message was now hinting at the setFeatureCompatibilityVersion setting which, apparently, was preventing some features to be made available. Now that made sense, as this specific database had been upgraded all the way from up Mongo 2....

November 23, 2017

Spesometro Open Source per .NET

apologies, this post is about an Italian open source release, so it’s going to be in Italian Spesometro.NET è un nuovo progetto open source che ho rilasciato con la mia azienda. Si tratta di un package .NET che permette di leggere, scrivere e convalidare lo Spesometro o, come è chiamato formalmente, la Comunicazione delle Fatture Emesse e Ricevute. Si tratta di un adempimento che in tempi recenti, per ragioni che non è il caso di affrontare in questo articolo, ha causato grosse difficoltà sia ai fornitori di soluzioni software che, e soprattutto, agli utenti finali di dette soluzioni....

October 5, 2017

Python Workload now officially supported in Visual Studio 2017

Visual Studio 2017 just received an update (version 15.2). Among other nice things, this update brings full support for Python back into the official release of VS2017. As you might recall (see my old whiny post), previously Python was only available with Visual Studio 2017 Preview (a separate install). I just upgraded my copy of Visual Studio, added the Python Development Workload to it via the VS Installer, and finally (and very happily) uninstalled the whole Visual Studio Preview thingie....

May 11, 2017

How to convert a PCL (Portable) project to NetStandard

I have been upgrading a few projects from their original PCL profiles (now deemed obsolete) to the Net Standard platform specification. It turned out to be a relatively straightforward process, but it does have its small hurdles, especially so if in the meantime you also want to transition to the new, streamlined, .csproj format as the migration will leave you with a now obsolete project.json project. In this article, I will cover upgrading a project from Portable Class Library to NetStandard....

May 10, 2017

Eve and Cerberus funding campaign

Last February I published The State of Eve REST Framework. Among other things in that post, I mentioned that I was looking for ways that would allow me to allocate more time to the project (and its satellites). I really feel like I should put more effort into Eve, Cerberus and satellite projects Eve-Swagger, Flask-Sentinel, Eve.NET, etc. I love working on these projects and I know a lot of people rely on them....

April 27, 2017