I saw a wolf: that’s the phrase Ulf, a hunter and former forestry inspector now in his seventies, has been brooding, unable to confess to anyone since he spotted a majestic specimen at dawn on the first day of the year. Something clicks inside him, and Ulf, one of the most respected men in the village in deep Sweden where he lives, feels an increasingly solid and intimate connection with the creature. They both are hunters and loners, but why does he feel like an intruder? Even the memory of his early experiences in the woods with his father, once a source of joy, changes in flavor, just as pride in his hunting diaries fades, as they now only appear as a cold kill list. And his wife’s dry and practical empathy, their comfortable daily routine of love and habits, the faithful companionship of his dog Zenta and the many chases made with her in the snow are not enough: Ulf feels as lost among his stuffed trophies as among the traditions and customs of a community whose violence he now perceives. A society that, he will discover to his cost, is quick at oppressing when one is not aligned with its most deeply rooted values.