Ethan Mollick's first impressions on Gemini Advanced

Ethan Mollick, one of my few LLM/AI sources, just dropped his first impressions on Gemini Advanced, released today, but which he’s been testing for a month in early access. Let me start with the headline: Gemini Advanced is clearly a GPT-4 class model. The statistics show this, but so does a month of our informal testing. And this is a big deal because OpenAI’s GPT-4 (the paid version of ChatGPT/Microsoft Copilot) has been the dominant AI for well over a year, and no other model has come particularly close. Prior to Gemini, we only had one advanced AI model to look at, and it is hard drawing conclusions with a dataset of one. Now there are two, and we can learn a few things. ...

February 8, 2024

A new golden era of blogging?

After yesterday’s, another article on the modern era of blogging surfaced on my RSS feed. In A Golden Era of Blogging, Jim Nielsen boldly proposes that we live in, you guessed it, a new golden era of blogging. He argues that the advent of the ads market tainted the original blogging scene in the mid-2000s, and something similar is now happening in the YouTube scene. Today’s independent blogger is not in it for the money (there’s none to be had) but for passion and an (unconscious?) belief in indie web ideals, and these are precisely the forces that drove the first wave of bloggers in the 2000s. ...

February 8, 2024

The 20-year indie web cycle, maybe

The History of the Web has an interesting take on the resurgence of blogging and the indie web that seems to be occurring these days. With roots in the world of fashion, there exists a cyclical principle suggesting that every two decades, previously popular trends “every 20 years or so the trends that were once popular will begin to be on the forefront again.” What’s old is new again. However, these recurring trends aren’t just rip-offs. They are remixed and reinterpreted through the lens of a new generation. We are, perhaps, in a 20 year resurgence for the indie web and blogging. ...

February 7, 2024

YouTube video summaries via ChatGPT

Just Tell Me cleverly leverages ChatGPT to provide short, insightful summaries of YouTube videos. Have you ever wasted some time watching a youtube video, that got you kind of interested because of the click-baity topic, but in the end turned out to be nothing more BUT click-bait? Or have you ever wanted to just quickly recall what a video that you’ve watched some time ago was about? Just Tell Me has you covered! ...

February 6, 2024

Marcus Aurelius the man who solved the universe

I’ve been reading Marcus Aurielius’ Meditations and, very appropriately and scaringly, YouTube algorithm thought I would be interested in Marcus Aurelius, the Man Who Solved The Universe. The title is bombastic and misplaced, but the video is well executed and correctly summarizes some of the Emperor-Philosopher’s thoughts.

February 3, 2024

Being autistic

A lot of the things David describes in this post resonate with me. As far as I’ve been able to figure out so far, the things my mind is best at are details and systems. It‘s part of what makes me a good programmer: I can hold a lot of detail in my head about how a system fits together, I can mess around with it more easily than most people, and I can pick up on details other people might miss, such as potential bugs. A lot of the things I enjoy (and seem to be pretty good at) are those where there’s an underlying system to figure out and master – computer games, martial arts, even cooking. ...

February 2, 2024

Mars in 4K

The footage, captured directly by NASA’s Mars rovers - Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity, and Perseverance - unveils the red planet’s intricate details. These rovers, acting as robotic geologists, have traversed varied terrains, from ancient lake beds to towering mountains, uncovering Mars’ complex geological history. As viewers enjoy these images, they will notice informal place names assigned by NASA’s team, providing context to the Martian features observed. Each rover’s unique journey is highlighted, showcasing their contributions to Martian exploration. ...

January 31, 2024

pg_dump and pg_restore can backup and restore single Postgres schemas

Today I learned that pg_dump can make a copy of a Postgres schema instead of the whole database. Likewise, if needed, pg_restore can restore the schema in either the original database or a different one. Backup of a Postgres schema: pg_dump -h host -d source_database -U user -n schema_name -F c -f schema_dump_file.dump Restore of a Postgres schema: pg_restore -h host -d dest_database -U user -n schema_name schema_dump_file.dump All primary and shared knowledge, I am sure. Another item of note: the DB name is hard-coded in pg_dumpall files, so if one wants to restore on a database named differently, one must go into the dump file and edit it by hand. ...

January 30, 2024

Digital books wear out faster than physical books

Brewster Kahle, at The Internet Archive Blogs: Ever try to read a physical book passed down in your family from 100 years ago? Probably worked well. Ever try reading an ebook you paid for 10 years ago? Probably a different experience. From the leasing business model of mega a publishers to physical device evolution to format obsolescence, digital books are fragile and threatened. […] Our paper books have lasted hundreds of years on our shelves and are still readable. Without active maintenance, we will be lucky if our digital books last a decade. ...

January 30, 2024
the Verghereto marls, along the ridge of Rio Petroso

Rio Petroso

Wet, cold, and foggy winter day in the plains, I knew it would be splendid in the highlands. At the last minute and even a little late by my usual safety standards, I packed my backpack and dashed into the hills. To avoid being late or having to return in the dark, I didn’t even stop eating, munching on two bars as I walked, but it was worth it. Rio Petroso is a rather complex and articulated circular tour, with frequent environmental changes, configuring itself among the most arid of the entire Park territory; I wouldn’t do this route at the height of summer. ...

January 29, 2024