Real Life .NET Cross Platform

There is a new episode up at Channel9 TecHeroes. It is called Real Life .NET Cross Platform and it is about developing production-ready, cross-platform applications with today’s .NET. In the interview we talk about SimpleCache, an asynchronous, permanent and cross-platform key-value object cache powered by SQLite3. The project is still a work in progress so there is no NuGet package available yet, but it is quite usable already. The talk slides are also available....

March 11, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

CoderDojo interview at Channel 9

I was recently interviewed at Channel 9 TecHeroes. Topic was CoderDojo, the network of free computer programming clubs for young people. The show is run by Microsoft Italy, so the interview is in Italian. Enjoy the show.

March 4, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

Look mum, I’m a MVP

A few hours ago I was notified that I have been awarded with the Microsoft MVP Award for Development Technologies. This came totally unexpected. Especially so considering that during the last few years I have been splitting my time between Microsoft and other open source technologies. My public work has mostly been on Python and MongoDB. Yes I also released .NET open source projects in the meantime (more are coming soon) and yes, I wrote a few articles here and on the MSDN Blog, attended Microsoft events and did interviews....

January 2, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

Eve 0.6.1 has been released

A new version of Eve, the REST API framework for Humans, has been released today. Following the 0.6 milestone released one month ago, v0.6.1 introduces some fixes and few new important features. Upgrade is strongly encouraged. As always, a changelog with full list of updates is available.

October 29, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Custom endpoint handlers with Eve

On Stack Overflow and the Eve mailing list, but also in my mailbox and even on Twitter, I get a lot of enquiries on how to build custom endpoints within a Eve-powered RESTful application. Now, since within Eve all endpoints are fully customizable, what they really mean is: How do I setup endpoints without any binding to a data entity, just connected to a custom method? They would like to call something like /mycustomendpoint and get the response from a method they have defined somewhere in the Python sources....

August 24, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

FatturaElettronicaPA for .NET has been updated

FatturaElettronicaPA has just been updated to v0.1.4. With this release invoice bodies (FatturaElettronicaBody items) are also validated. As always, you can install the package directly from NuGet. See the original post for more info. Also don’t forget to check the related projects. Update: v0.1.6 has also been released.

July 14, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Cerberus 0.9 has been released

A few days ago Cerberus 0.9 was released. It includes a bunch of new cool features, let’s browse through some of them. Collection rules First up is the new set of anyof, allof, noneof and oneof validation rules. anyof allows you to list multiple sets of rules to validate against. The field will be considered valid if it validates against one set in the list. For example, to verify that a property is a number between 0 and 10 or 100 and 110, you could do the following:...

June 30, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Monolith vs Microservices

I spent the last couple days in Paris with a bunch of smart architects and developers who are about to deal with a complex Monolithic-to-Microservices architecture transition. On my flight back to Italy I jotted down a few thoughts on the topic and then, this morning, the first thing that comes up on my newsfeed is Monolith First by Martin Fowler. Stunning, because the essay content totally resonates with my own notes, so much that it would perfectly serve as a recap for them....

June 4, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Composition vs. Inheritance: How to Choose?

Steven Lowe piece on Composition vs. Inheritance is a must read. Just to wet your appetite, let me quote the opening paragraph: In the beginning, there was no inheritance and no composition, only code. And the code was unwieldy, repetitive, blocky, unhappy, verbose, and tired. Copy and Paste were the primary mechanisms of code reuse. Procedures and functions were rare, newfangled gadgets viewed with suspicion. Calling a procedure was expensive! Separating pieces of code from the main logic caused confusion!...

May 26, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

Fattura Elettronica Open Source: Web Service PA

this post is about an all-Italian open source release, so it’s going to be in Italian Il progetto Fattura Elettronica Open Source si è arricchito di un nuovo strumento: Web Services. Il namespace FatturaElettronicaPA.WebServices raccoglie una serie di client C# che consentono di consultare i Web Service per la Fattura Elettronica messi a disposizione dalla Pubblica Amministrazione. Sono disegnati in maniera da esporre tutti la stessa interfaccia ed essere al tempo stesso semplici e leggeri....

May 21, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci