Real Life .NET Cross Platform

There is a new episode up at Channel9 TecHeroes. It is called Real Life .NET Cross Platform and it is about developing production-ready, cross-platform applications with today’s .NET. In the interview we talk about SimpleCache, an asynchronous, permanent and cross-platform key-value object cache powered by SQLite3. The project is still a work in progress so there is no NuGet package available yet, but it is quite usable already. The talk slides are also available....

March 11, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

CoderDojo interview at Channel 9

I was recently interviewed at Channel 9 TecHeroes. Topic was CoderDojo, the network of free computer programming clubs for young people. The show is run by Microsoft Italy, so the interview is in Italian. Enjoy the show.

March 4, 2016 · Nicola Iarocci

My talk at Percona Live 2015

The slides of my talk at Percona Live 2015 (Amsterdam) are online. It was titled “MongoDB and REST APIs a Match Made in Heaven” and it was meant as an introduction to Mongo, REST principles and the Eve python framework. Overall it has been a pleasant experience, although I found that splitting 300 attendees through seven concurrent tracks ultimately led to too much fragmentation. People often found themselves with 2-3 interesting talks all happening simultaneously, and just had to pick one....

October 16, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

On my trip to Microsoft Build 2015

Last week I was in San Francisco for Build 2015, the annual conference event held by Microsoft and aimed toward software and web developers. Overall it has been a great experience. I especially enjoyed the opportunity to speak with Microsoft executives, Program Managers and developers about the new stuff they are cooking up and, in general, about that New Microsoft we all have been experiencing as of late (I have a guest post on MSDN Italy on that topic)....

May 8, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

I wrote a thing about New Microsoft

I have a guest post up at the official Italian MSDN Team Blog. It’s about the new Microsoft I met last Wednesday at the Azure Open Day in Milan.

March 4, 2015 · Nicola Iarocci

REST APIs for Humans at FOSDEM

Yesterday I gave a talk at FOSDEM 2014 in Brussels. The conference itself was amazing, with over 5000 attendees literally swarming and taking over the ULB Campus. I was stoked at how smoothly everything was going on despite the incredible number of simultaneous sessions and the number of attendees continuously flowing between buildings and conference rooms. Everybody involved, volunteers and attendees, has been very welcoming, charming and helpful. In short, I had a blast....

February 3, 2014 · Nicola Iarocci

CoderDojo Launch

Yesterday I attended the Digital Divide Workshop ran by Agenda Digitale Ravenna. With my friend Giulio Cesare we gave a quick introductory talk on the CoderDojo we are launching in our area. Want to help as a mentor? Get in touch!

January 17, 2014 · Nicola Iarocci

We Are All Remote Workers

A little more than a year ago we closed our offices to become a fully distributed company. This story, which is still unfolding, has been the subject of my We Are All Remote Workers talk at RomagnaCamp 2013.

September 7, 2013 · Nicola Iarocci

REST API con MongoDB

Le slide che ho presentato a ‘A Morning with MongoDB‘ (24 ottobre, Milano) sono disponibili online. Gran parte degli interventi erano di tipo divulgativo ed inizialmente ero preoccupato che i miei contenuti fossero troppo tecnici. In realtà in sala c’erano davvero tanti programmatori, quindi tutto è andato bene. A margine dell’evento molte le domande su Eve, la REST API open source a cui sto lavorando e che conto di rilasciare entro fine anno: bene!...

October 26, 2012 · Nicola Iarocci

Una mattinata con MongoDB

Il prossimo 24 ottobre sarò a Milano per A Morning with MongoDB, evento ufficiale 10gen nel corso del quale racconterò la mia esperienza nell’integrazione di MongoDB in una Web REST API. Partecipazione e registrazione sono gratuite: cosa aspettate?

October 10, 2012 · Nicola Iarocci