It is a common misconception that F# is just for data science, machine learning, and quantitative finance; in the .NET eco-system you turn to C# for enterprise and web development and, eventually, you’ll look at F# for serious number crunching.

While it is undoubtedly true that functional languages are ideally suited for solving numerical problems, some of them - and F# in particular - are perfectly fine for tackling so many different domains other than scientific ones. F# is a cross-platform, functional-first, general purpose language. Stress on functional-first and general purpose. Line-of-business applications are almost always perfect candidates for F# development. On this topic, I recommend you take a look at Scott Wlaschin’s “Why F# is the best enterprise language

On my part I am going to show you how easily we can build a RESTful WebAPI with F# on NetCore, taking no compromises on its C# counterpart.

Create, build, run

Open up your terminal and type the following:

$ dotnet new webapi -o MyWebApi -lang f#
The template "ASP.NET Core Web API" was created successfully.

The command above creates the MyWebApi directory and initializes an F# WebApi project in it, which you can build right away:

$ cd MyWebApi && dotnet build
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.9.20+g88f5fadfbe for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

And while we are at it, let’s launch it:

$ dotnet bin/Debug/<dotnetcoreapp_version>/MyWebApi.dll
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
Now listening on: https://localhost:5001
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

Our WebApi is up and running, ready for us to play with it:

$ curl -k https://localhost:5001/api/values

The -k option tells curl to skip certificate verification on the https connection to localhost. Alternatively, you can open the same URL from your browser.

We did not write a single line of code, and yet we have a web API up and running. Yes, this is the same experience we get when we create a C# WebApi project. If you want to see that, try launching the same dotnet new command, minus the -lang option.

Show me the code

These days I use Visual Studio Code and the Unix (MacOS) terminal for most of my development, be it Python, JavaScript, C#, or F#. If you are on Visual Studio, you should still be able to follow along.

Let’s fire up VSCode:

code .

The F# development experience in VSCode is excellent thanks to the Ionide project, an open source cross-platform package for F# development. It brings IntelliSense, tooltips, document formatting, syntax checking, error highlighting, and more to VSCode. Just go to the Extensions tab and search for Ionide. Once you install and activate the extension, a brand new F# tab appears in VSCode. Click it. This tab lets you look at the project from the F# perspective.

In F#, the file order matters. That’s a consequence of another important rule: in F#, the order in we define types does matter. Files at the bottom of the project can access types and values defined above them, but not the other way around. In the F# tab, stuff is ordered for you by dependency. You can add new files, or move them up and down the hierarchy as needed.

Click on Contollers/ValuesControllers.fs, so we can view its code. It begins like this:

namespace MyWebApi.Controllers

open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc

F# namespaces work like C# ones. They allow you to organize data types and modules (not functions!) and yes, you can nest them in a hierarchy. The open statement, you guessed it, is F# flavor of C#’s using.

But! Where are the curly braces? Well, the thing is, in F# we don’t need curly braces. Don’t run away now; we’ll get back to this.

Let’s go on with the code review:

type ValuesController () =
    inherit ControllerBase()

We decorate the ValuesController type (think C# classes) with two attributes. First one defines the general route to the controller endpoints (/api/values/); the second one informs .NET that ValuesController is, in fact, a controller.

Finally, we get to look at one of the controller members:

member this.Get() =
    let values = [|"value1"; "value2"|]

Again, very much like with C#, we have an attribute binding an HTTP method to this member (Get). Every time a GET request hits the controller route, Get executes. What’s more interesting here, however, is the member scope.

For starters, no curly braces. F#, like Python and others, is a whitespace-significant language: we indent code to tell the compiler that we’re in a nested scope. At first, coming from other .NET languages, this might come as a shock. It sure was for me, although I had to make this jump way back when I got first into Python.

Secondly, the values assignment has no type declaration what-so-ever. It looks like we’re dealing with a dynamic language like JavaScript or, again, Python. Only, F# is static. In F# you rarely have to specify types, and that’s thanks to its powerful type inference system. If you hover your mouse over the values word, you’ll see that good old IntelliSense is on duty, as usual, reporting values as an array of strings.

F# type inference is so robust that sometimes can feel like magic, but it is not. It follows a set of precedence rules that drive the compiler. The result is that you get the best of both worlds: a language that is concise as a dynamic one, yet it is strongly typed and compiled, as a static one. By the way: thanks of type inference, F# functions are implicitly generic.

Combined with the removal of noise, such as curly braces and semicolons, you will find that the type inference system makes writing, reading and, more importantly, reasoning about code a pleasant experience.

So why do we have to declare ActionResult type on the following line? Because that’s a .NET BCL type, not an F# type. Type inference won’t work as well when applied to the BCL. Fortunately, the compiler (IntelliSense) will let you know when an explicit type is needed.

Notice that on the last line there is no return. In F#, return is implicit. I should probably mention immutability. That values array over there, is immutable like all F# types are unless they are explicitly made mutable with the mutable keyword. Immutability is a big deal in functional languages.

Let’s assume that we want to replace this template code with something more meaningful. Maybe we have a repository object that allows us to retrieve data from a backend. This repository an external C# package and it has this nice Find(Expression<Func<T, bool>>) method that we want to leverage, to enable filtering on our API endpoint.

  1. The client can use a query string (?name=john);
  2. If included, parse the query into a lambda expression (x => x.Name==john);
  3. Pass the lambda to repository’s Find method;
  4. Return lookup results to the client.

For simplicity, we don’t want to support multiple query keys, or various values for the same key;

We want to achieve this:

member this.Get() =
    let filter = getFilter this.Request.Query
    let result = repository.Find<License>(filter).Result;

    ActionResult<License List>(result)

On the first line, we pass the query to the getFilter helper function. In F# there’s no notion of wrapping function arguments with parenthesis. Again, succinctness. getFilter will return either null if there is no query string or a lambda filter.

On the second line, we invoke the Find method, passing our filter to it. We then send back the results to the client. Notice that we are returning a List<Value> or, in F# syntax, a Value List. We do not have to update the Get signature. Type inference quietly takes note.

With the general business logic out of our way, let’s get to the only remaining piece of the puzzle, the getFilter function. For this, it is probably a good idea to add a Helpers.fs file, with a Helpers module in it.

namespace MyWebApi

open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
open System.Linq.Expressions
open System

module private Helpers =

    let getFilter (query:IQueryCollection)  =

        let expr (key:string, value) =
            let entity=Expression.Parameter(typeof<'T>)
            let body= Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(entity, key), Expression.Constant(value))
            Expression.Lambda<Func<'T, bool>>(body, entity)

        match query.Count with
        | 0 -> null
        | _ ->
            |> Seq.head
            |> fun kvp -> (kvp.Key, kvp.Value |> Seq.head)
            |> expr

Now, this is interesting. We briefly touched on the fact that namespaces can’t hold functions. You use modules for that (F# modules can also store types, however, like namespaces.). Here we define a Helpers module, with one function getFilter in it. To use this module in ValueController, we will need to open MyWebApi.Helpers there. Alternatively, we could decorate the module with the [<AutoOpen>] attribute, so that adopters do not need to open it explicitly. AutoOpen is a nice feature, but please don’t overuse it.

Let’s look at getFilter implementation. First, we define an inner function expr. It takes a key-value tuple (one argument, not two!), does its magic, and, returns a lambda expression with the required signature of Func<'T, bool>. This code is not particularly interesting; you would do something similar in C#. Notice, however, that we are forced to declare the type one of the tuple values. That’s because the compiler needs to know which of the (way too many) overloads of Expression.Property we want to use. We could strongly type the second argument instead; it would be the same. Also, take note of how we declare a generic type in F#. The convention is not to use uppercase as we do here, you typically use 'a for example, but 'T is also ok. I tend to use ``T` when I am working on the boundaries between the BCL and F#, like in here.

The match...with block is the heart of getFilter.

        match query.Count with
        | 0 -> null
        | _ -> ...

It matches query.Count value with some alternatives.

  • if no items are in the query, then return null;
  • any other value (_ is a catchall), do something else.

Pattern matching is super interesting in F#. You can think of match...with as a switch/case on steroids. Here, let’s stress one of its many features: exhaustive checking. We used the catchall _ symbol on the second branch. Had we used a specific value instead, the compiler would throw an “incomplete pattern matching” error. Think of how many subtle bugs this feature alone cuts out.

Let’s now consider the second and last branch in our pattern matching code. All the time in our code, no matter the language, we call a sequence of methods. In this concatenation, the output of one method serves as the input for the next. In these situations we have two options: either we use a temporary variable to hold the result of one method call, then we pass said variable to the next, or, if the call sequence is not too long, we nest one method call within the other. In both cases, code quickly becomes hard to read and, what’s worse, it becomes difficult to grasp its intentions. F# forward pipe operator aims to solve this problem. Let’s look back at our pipeline:

query |> Seq.head |> fun kvp -> (kvp.Key, kvp.Value |> Seq.head) |> expr

In his book Get Programming with F#, Isaac Abraham provides us with what I think is the best explanation of what the forward pipe operator means:

Take the value on the left-hand side of the pipe and flip it over to the right-hand side as the last argument to the function. […] The beauty of this is that as long as the output of one function matches the input of the next one, any function can be chained with another one.

Once it clicks, you’ll love it.

We start with query, our input argument, which is pipelined (passed) to the Seq.head function. This function returns the first element (head) of the input sequence. Now, query is an IQueryCollection, which happens to implement IEnumerable which, in turn, is an alias for F# seq<'T> so yes, query is a sequence. Here we don’t want to support multiple keys, so we only take the first one. Next up in the pipeline we have an inline function or lambda. This one accepts the kvp argument (a KeyValuePair) and returns a tuple with kvp key and the value. The lambda is interesting because it comes with a nested pipeline. Querystrings can come with multiple values for the same key (i.e. ?name=john&name=mike), so kvp.Value is itself a sequence of strings. Again, we don’t support multiple key values, so we keep the first one. The last step in our pipeline is, of course, the call to our expr function, which will take the tuple as input, and return the corresponding expression filter.

One last thing. Remember that explicit type declaration we had to add to expr’s input tuple? That one was weird, although it did have a reason. Let’s refactor our code to be more compact, so we inline expr into the pipeline:

let getFilter (query:IQueryCollection)  =

    match query.Count with
    | 0 -> null
    | _ ->
        |> Seq.head
        |> fun kvp -> (kvp.Key, kvp.Value |> Seq.head)
        |> fun (key, value) ->
            let entity=Expression.Parameter(typeof<'T>)
            let body= Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(entity, key), Expression.Constant(value))
            Expression.Lambda<Func<'T, bool>>(body, entity)

See? Now we don’t need to declare key type. It is inferred from the input function (the left-hand side of the pipe!)

Wrapping up

Building and running a RESTful API with F# is simple. Sure, the template code above does not look very functional, and it isn’t. Once you get more confident with F#, you should probably move to functional web frameworks, like Giraffe. The takeaway point I am trying to make, however, is that F# with pure NetCore delivers. Functional purists may shiver, but my advice is that you begin doing F# right away, solving problems that you are already familiar with.

I learned about F# back in 2010-11 when it was very new, and I immediately fell in love with it. Then I spent years and years waiting for the right project, the one with a perfect “functional fit” that would allow me to use F# in the real world. Guess what? It never happened. Either we had a good candidate but we were in a hurry, so no time for learning, or we got “less-than-ideal-for-functional” projects (in our mind) to work on.

Then I was tasked to write yet another RESTful web service. We have plenty scattered around, both in Python and C#. RESTful services have been my bread and butter for such a long time; I even went around to release a Python REST framework called Eve.

This time, I thought, I am going to do it differently. This time, I am going down the F# rabbit hole. What I found at the bottom of it was pure joy.

PS: That fictional repository we’ve been using, well, that’s a concrete thing, an open source project I have been working on called Boxroom. When it is ready for prime time, I will post about it here on my site. Interested? Join the newsletter; a link is right down here.

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