On Why I Still Prefer Traditional Books to eBooks

I’ve been using a Kindle for a long time now, and I love it. But I keep buying paper books. Lots of them. Actually I buy a lot more books than ebooks and it doesn’t even stop there. Admittedly, I am guilty of repeatedly buying paper editions of ebooks I’ve read on the Kindle. For a very long time I’ve not been able to tell the precise reason why I keep going back to traditional books....

December 2, 2013 · Nicola Iarocci

Libri gratuiti sul linguaggio C

9 of the Best Free C Books è un’ottima selezione di libri gratuiti sul linguaggio C. C’è n’è per tutti, dai testi per principianti a quelli per programmatori esperti provenienti da altri linguaggi. Lo sapete già, C dovrebbe far parte del bagaglio di ogni programmatore.

February 9, 2013 · Nicola Iarocci